Sidan 45 - the_constitution_2009

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45 (49)
Primary municipality posts
1. Proposals for candidates for elections held by the municipal council in a general
election year are prepared by a nominating committee appointed by the annual
general meeting of the local branch. The nominating committee should also include
representatives from the executive of the local branch and the municipal council
group, as well as the union committee of the local branch.
2. Party members, affiliated organisations and union committees of the local
branches send proposals for candidates to the executive of the local branch within
the period specified by the local branch. This shall be communicated in writing and
through advertisements to affiliated organisations and to the union committee of the
local branch.
3. After the nominating deadline has expired, only the nominating committee has the
right to propose candidates for elections to be held by the municipal council in a
general election year.
The nominating committee prepares proposals for candidates. The proposal is
submitted to the executive of the local branch for comments. The proposal is then
discussed at a meeting of the local branch.
The municipal council group determines all election matters and passes these to the
municipality’s nominating body. The nominating committee's proposal, along with
the comments of the executive of the local branch, are to be sent to affiliated
organisations no later than 14 days before the meeting of the local branch.
4. Proposals for candidates for a by-election to be held by the municipal council are
prepared by the executive committee of the local branch and the executive of the
municipal group, unless the annual general meeting of the local branch has decided
Posts in the Church of Sweden
1. Proposals for candidates for elections held by the vestry of the Church of Sweden
in a general election year are prepared by a nominating committee appointed by the
annual general meeting of the local branch/the annual general meeting of the
association. The nominating committee should also include representatives of the
local branch/association executive and the vestry group's executive, as well as the
union committee of the local branch.
2. Proposals for candidates are to be sent to the local branch/association executives
within the period specified by the local branch/association executives. This shall be
communicated in writing and through advertisements to affiliated organisations and
to the union committee of the local branch.
3. The nominating committee draws up proposals for candidates. The proposals are
submitted to the local branch/association executives and the vestry group's executive
for comments. The proposals and comments are subsequently considered by the