Sidan 44 - the_constitution_2009

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44 (49)
5. A ballot which does not make clear the voter’s intentions is to be disqualified.
6. After a general vote, the candidates are placed on the party ballot paper according
to the following rules. The first place is occupied by the candidate who has received
the highest number of valid votes for this place. The second place is occupied by the
candidate who has, in total, received the highest number of valid votes for the first
and second places. The third place is occupied by the candidate who has, in total,
received the highest number of valid votes for the first, second and third places.
Subsequent places are filled using the same method of counting as above. When the
number of votes is equal, the result will be determined by lot.
Rules for candidate nominations to other bodies
County council posts
1. Proposals for candidates for elections held by the county council in a general
election year are prepared by a nominating committee appointed by the annual
congress of the party district. The nominating committee should also include
representatives from the board of the party district and the executive of the county
council group, as well as the union committee of the party district.
2. Proposals for candidates for elections held by the county council in a general
election year are to be sent to the district board within the period specified by the
board. This will be communicated in writing to local branches, affiliated
organisations and to the union committees of the local branches.
Party members, affiliated organisations and union committees of the local branches
send proposals for candidates to the executive of the local branch within the period
specified by the local branch.
The executive of the local branch shall send in information on all proposed
candidates to the district board. The local branch may rank candidates in order of
precedence in the submission.
3. The nominating committee draws up proposals for candidates. The board of the
party district considers the proposal. The county council group subsequently
considers and determines all election matters and passes these to the county council's
nominating body. If the annual congress of the party district so decides, the
nominating committee’s proposal shall be considered by an election conference
before it is submitted to the county council group.
4. Proposals for candidates for a by-election for committees and agencies within the
county council are prepared by the county council group's executive and the board of
the party district, unless the ordinary congress of the party district has decided