4 (49)
as a whole and community work at an everyday level. We strive for an economic
order in which every individual as a citizen, a wage earner and consumer can
influence the direction and distribution of production, and the organisation and
conditions of working life.
Social democracy wishes to see these democratic ideals characterise all of society, as
well as the mutual relationships between people. Our aim is a society free from
superiority and submission , without class distinctions, segregation or ethnic
divisions, a society without prejudices and discrimination, where everybody is needed
and where there is room for everybody, where everybody has the same rights and the
same value, where each child can grow up to become a free and independent adult,
where each person is free to develop as an individual and in equal and loyal co-
operation with others is free to search for the solutions which best serve the public
These ideas of democratic socialism have been passed down to us from previous
generations, and have been shaped in the light of experience. They are the driving
force of all political endeavours, now and in the future. The deepest roots of social
democracy lie in the conviction that all people are of equal value and every individual
is sacrosanct.
Chapter 2 The Party Constitution
§ 1 The Party's task
Social democracy in Sweden is a popular movement based on democracy. The party's
political vision for the future of society depends on close contact with members and
electors. The party must, therefore, be an active, modern popular movement firmly
rooted in the everyday lives of the people.
The party is responsible for:
bringing into the party everyone who shares the fundamental values of social
influencing public opinion in favour of the ideals of social democracy on the
basis of the party's programme,
the development of social democratic ideas, programmes and policy,
planning and coordinating election campaigns
coordinating the political work of social democracy in municipalities and
county councils, and in the Church of Sweden,
coordinating the party's international activities,