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Chapter 1 Purpose
Social democracy aims to build a society based on the ideals of democracy and the
equal value of every person. The aim of democratic socialism is free and equal
individuals in a society based on solidarity.
Each person must be free to develop as an individual, control their own life and
influence their own community. Freedom means freedom from external coercion
and pressure, hunger, ignorance and fear of the future, as well as freedom to
participate in decision-making, to develop themselves, to interact freely with others
and to have the opportunity to control their own life and choose their own future.
This human freedom requires equality. Equality means that every individual,
regardless of background, is given the same opportunity to build their own life and
influence their society. This equality implies the right to choose and develop
differently, without the differences leading to subordination and inequalities in power
and influence over everyday life and society.
Freedom and equality concern both individual rights and collective solutions to
achieve what is best for the common good, and also form the basis for the
individual's life and opportunities. Human beings are social creatures who develop
and grow in interaction with others, and much that is important for the well-being of
the individual can only be created through cooperation with others.
The common good demand solidarity, the unity which arises from the realisation that
we are all mutually dependent on each other and that the best society is based on
cooperating with mutual consideration and respect. Everyone must have the same
rights and opportunity to influence solutions, and everyone must have the same
obligations to take responsibility for them. Solidarity does not expel the desire for
individual development and success, but it does not accept the egotism which makes
it permissible to exploit others for personal gain.
All power in society must come from the individuals who together make up the
society. Economic interests never have the right to set limits to democracy;
democracy always has the right to specify the conditions for the economy and set
limits to the market.
Democracy must be exercised on many roads and levels. Social democracy strives for
a social order in which people as citizens and individuals can influence both society