25 (49)
Clause 8
Social Democratic members of the county council within the party district appoint
one representative for each county council district. Such representatives have the
right to address congress and to propose motions.
Clause 9
Authorisation of delegates and their deputies is issued by the executive of the local
branch and sent to the district board within the time stated by the latter.
Clause 10
The audit of authorisation is carried out by the auditors of the district and must be
completed before the opening of the congress.
Clause 11
Proposals for standing orders and agendas for the congress are drawn up by the
district board.
Clause 12
The members of the district board and an auditor submitting the report have the
right to address congress and to propose motions.
Clause 13
Only delegates have the right to vote at the congress. Each delegate has one vote.
The right to vote must not be transferred.
Clause 14
Votes are taken by a show of hands. A secret ballot for individuals is taken when a
delegate calls for such a ballot.
In a secret ballot, candidates are listed in alphabetical order on the ballot paper. A
valid ballot must list the number of persons who are to be elected. A ballot paper
listing more or fewer names is void. The person(s) receiving the highest number of
votes will be elected, unless the congress decides that a simple majority will be
required for election.
If there are an equal number of votes in a secret ballot, another ballot can be held. If
there are an equal number of votes in a ballot where only two candidates take part,