Sidan 24 - the_constitution_2009

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24 (49)
Clause 2
The ordinary congress is held annually at a time and place determined by the district
An intermediate congress is held when the district board so decides, or when at least
1/3 of the local branches within the party district call for a congress. An intermediate
congress can deal only with the issues specified in the notice convening the congress.
Clause 3
A notice convening the ordinary congress shall be issued by the district board no
later than five months before the congress.
An intermediate congress can be summoned without observing this time limit. In
doing so, the district board stipulates the time for the clauses referred to in § 4 of the
district rules.
Clause 4
Every local branch has the right to appoint delegates to the congress in proportion to
the number of party members in the branch in accordance with the rules stipulated
by the district congress.
Clause 5
The election of delegates to the intermediate congress is carried out under the same
rules as for the ordinary congress.
Clause 6
A member of the party district has the right to nominate candidates as congress
delegates. The names of proposed candidates are to be submitted to the executive of
the local branch within the specified time limit. A Social Democratic
association/club shall send information on all the nominated candidates to the
executive of the local branch. The meeting of the local branch elects delegates and
deputy delegates. If the local branch has introduced a representative assembly, the
election will be carried out at the meeting of the assembly.
Clause 7
A representative appointed by the national board of the party and the Social
Democratic members of parliament within the district area has the right to attend the
congress and the right to address congress and to propose motions.