48 (49)
5. When the count is completed after a general election of county council members,
the board of the party district shall summon the elected county council members and
the district board to a group meeting.
6. The party district board determines the standard rules for Social Democratic
county council groups.
Rules for working with primary municipality issues
1. Members and deputies of the municipal council, who belong to the Swedish Social
Democratic party, shall form a municipal council group.
2. Members and deputies of the municipal board or executive shall form a party
3. The rules of the municipal council group are drawn up by the annual meeting of
the local branch. Before the rules are adopted, the executives of the municipal
council group and the local branch shall express their opinions on the proposed
4. The local branch establishes the action programme for municipal policy and the
local action programmes of the party before the general election. The programmes
provide guidelines for the elected representatives of the party. Local issues that are of
fundamental or economic importance shall be discussed at the meeting of the local
Local issues of great importance for the area shall be discussed by the Social
Democratic associations and clubs. The municipal council group shall present a
report on its work during the previous year to the annual meeting of the local branch.
This report is included in the annual report of the local branch.
5. When the count is completed after a general election of members to the municipal
council, the executive of the local branch shall summon the elected municipal council
members and deputies and the executive of the local branch to a group meeting.
6. The executive of the local branch, the executive of the municipal council group
and the group of chairs of the committees and boards of the municipality shall
discuss local activities at least once a year. The executive of the local branch will call
the meeting.
7. The party group in local bodies shall provide an annual report on its activities to
the Social Democratic associations and clubs within its local area.
8. The national board of the party sets out the standard rules for Social Democratic
municipal council groups.