41 (49)
Social Democratic program, established by the party congress, the district congress
or a local branch meeting.
2. Every member of the party and organisation affiliated to the party has the right to
propose candidates for election to the bodies specified in section 1.
3. The ballot papers of the party shall be drawn up in such a way that there is an even
distribution according to gender. The need for a continuous new recruitment of
younger people shall be met.
4. The ballot papers of the party are drawn up at a meeting, a conference or by a
general vote.
5. In order to promote unanimity in general elections, organisations and party
members are advised to counteract the emergence of splinter lists.
6. Parliamentary and local government appointments should be distributed to as
many members as possible.
The nominating committee
1. In order to prepare ballot papers for the parliamentary election, the ordinary
congress of the district appoints a nominating committee the year prior to the year of
the parliamentary election
2. In order to prepare ballot papers for the county council election, the ordinary
congress of the party district decides the year prior to the year of the county council
elections the way in which the nominating committee is to be appointed.
3. In order to prepare the ballot papers for the municipal elections, the meeting of
the local branch appoints a nominating committee the year prior to the year of the
municipal elections.
4. In order to prepare the ballot papers for vestry elections of the Church of Sweden,
the meeting of the local branch appoints a nominating committee the year prior to
the year of the vestry elections. The local branch may delegate the task of appointing
a nominating committee for vestry elections to a Social Democratic association.
5. In order to prepare the ballot papers for diocesan synods and national synods of
the Church of Sweden, a nominating committee for each diocese is appointed, in
consultation with the national board of the party, consisting of representatives of the
party districts which are wholly or partly within the diocese.
6. Within the nominating committee a working committee can be appointed.
7. The nominating committee of the party district should include at least one
representative of the trade union committee of the party district.
8. The nominating committee of the local branch should include at least one
representative of the trade union committee of the local branch.