Sidan 38 - the_constitution_2009

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38 (49)
Clause 2
The annual meeting of the association/club is held before the end of February.
Clause 3
At the annual meeting, apart from any other business, the following items must be
1. The annual reports of the executive and the auditors for the previous year
2. The motion on a discharge for the executive
3. The election of members of the board and deputies
4. The election of auditors and deputy auditors
5. The election of one or several persons responsible for members
6. The election of the nominating committee for the next annual meeting
7. The guidelines for future activities
Clause 4
When deciding on a discharge for the executive, the members of the executive have
no right to vote.
Clause 5
Votes are by show of hands. The election of individuals is carried out in a secret
ballot if a member so requests.
In a secret ballot, the candidates are listed in alphabetical order on the ballot paper. A
valid ballot must list the number of persons who are to be elected. A ballot paper
listing more or fewer names is invalid. The person(s) receiving the highest number of
votes will be elected, unless the meeting decides that a simple majority is required for
If there are an equal number of votes in a secret ballot, another vote can be held. If
there are an equal number of votes in a ballot where only two candidates take part,
the result will be determined by lot. If there are an equal number of votes in a show
of hands, the sitting chair will have the casting vote.
Clause 6
Proposals for candidates to election at the annual general meeting are sent to the
nominating committee within the period of time stated by the local branch meeting.
After the nominating deadline has expired, only the nominating committee has the
right to propose candidates.