Sidan 29 - the_constitution_2009

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29 (49)
bodies”, “Rules for the co-operation between elected representatives and the party
organisations” and “Rules for dealing with county council issues” will apply.
§ 9 General rules
Clause 1
The party district and its executive shall observe the constitution of the party and
decisions of the party congress.
Clause 2
Additional clauses to the rules for party districts can be adopted by the district
congress. These must not conflict with or in any way set aside the fundamentals of
the constitution.
Clause 3
Only the ordinary party congress can amend or set aside these rules. A party district
may apply to the national board of the party for a dispensation from these rules.
Clause 4
The rules for the party districts of Stockholm, Goteborg and Gotland are laid down
by the national board of the party.
Chapter 4 The rules for the local branches
§ 1 The purpose of the local branches
Local branches are responsible for:
opinion forming in favour of the party's ideas and policies within the
communications with electors within the municipality,
the election campaign organisation in their area of operation,
development of policy within the municipality,
election of political representatives,
development of political representatives,
trade union political activities and other organisational activities,
supporting the organisational and operational development of the Social
Democratic associations.