Sidan 17 - the_constitution_2009

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17 (49)
The chair and secretary are elected separately from the standing members of the
Deputy members of the executive committee shall be summoned to the meetings of
the committee and the party board except for meetings held in accordance with
clause 4. They have the right to speak, to propose motions and to vote when
standing in for an ordinary member. They stand in the order in which they have been
Clause 3
The chairs of the Social Democratic Women in Sweden, the Swedish Social
Democratic Youth, the Swedish Christian Social Democrats and the Swedish Social
Democratic Students’ Association have the right to attend meetings of the
committee, to speak and to propose motions, except for meetings held in accordance
with clause 4.
Clause 4
For extraordinary reasons, the executive committee may meet with attendance
limited to ordinary members.
§ 9 The Programme commission
Clause 1
The programme commission consists of five members and five deputy members,
who are elected by the ordinary party congress. The deputies shall be summoned to
the meetings of the programme commission. They have the right to speak, to
propose motions and to vote when standing in for an ordinary member. They stand
in the order in which they have been elected.
Clause 2
The programme commission shall reply to proposals governed by § 4, clause 20 of
the constitution, before the party board replies to such proposals.
Clause 3
The members and deputy members of the programme commission have the right to
attend the meetings of the national board of the party when proposals from the
commission are to be discussed and they then have the right to speak and to propose