12 (49)
Clause 10
A valid ballot must include the number of delegates to be elected. A ballot paper that
includes more or fewer names is invalid.
Clause 11
No later than eight days after the end of the election, the local branch shall send the
ballot papers to the district board together with a protocol on the election in a sealed
envelope, marked “Ballots”.
Clause 12
The envelopes are to be opened on the day of the count and the count is to be
carried out by the district board or by the tellers appointed by the district board
before the end of the 15
week before congress. The local branches and the Social
Democratic associations and clubs shall be informed in advance of the time and
place for the count.
Clause 13
The member(s) with the highest number of votes in every constituency is elected as a
delegate. Deputies are those coming next in numbers of votes cast to the elected
delegates. Delegates are summoned according to the votes they have received. When
the number of votes is equal, the decision will be by lot.
Clause 14
The district board shall make public the result of the voting by circulars sent to the
local branches and the Social Democratic associations and clubs immediately after
the count.
Clause 15
The organisation of the election is to be determined by the district board.
Clause 16
If a member considers that the election of delegates is in conflict with the
constitution of the party and wishes to appeal against the election, this must be made
known to the district board no later than five days after the result of the voting has
been announced.
The district board shall submit such an appeal, together with its comments on the
appeal, to the national board of the party. If the national board of the party finds that