Page 21 - How to run and represent a party

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BEC must work to make decisions as a collective. Each BEC member has specific tasks
according to their portfolio and they have to carry them out in a disciplined and
accountable manner so that the whole BEC can take responsibility for and be part of all
decisions made. A good leader empowers people, supports their growth, and never puts
his/her interests ahead of the party’s or the community’s interests.
The conduct of BEC members should set the standards of conduct for all branch members
treating all people with respect
being honest and uncorrupt
being punctual and reliable
being open to criticism and responding to it in a constructive way
respecting leadership without fear to question
encouraging participation in party activities
sharing information and expertise and passing on skills to others
being well-informed about the local area and any local problems that need addressing
being knowledgeable about the party’s policies and programs and able to explain
them to residents
work hard to build the party.
BEC members should also be responsible and show good conduct by:
remaining sober at party meetings or community events
avoiding faction-building and conflicts
handling the party’s money and other resources honestly and with great care
being reliable and always notifying if there is a change of plans
understanding and respecting the idea that party support is voluntary and can
disappear if not taken care of
welcome any member who wants to contribute.