Sidan 47 - the_constitution_2009

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the unreserved right, in accordance with the party's principles and political
programme, to form his/her own views and to take decisions within areas
covered by the post of elected representative.
A member who holds public office on the party's mandate has, in addition to the
obligations which he/she has as a member of the party,
the obligation to permit his/her decisions to be guided by the party's ideas
and decisions on principle,
the obligation to maintain firm and unbroken contact with the party
organisation, for example through regular participation in meetings,
the obligation to keep the party organisations continuously informed of
developments within the areas covered by the post of elected representative,
the obligation to pay administration fees which have been adopted by the
the obligation to act in a manner consistent with the fundamental values of
social democracy.
Rules for working with county council and primary
municipality issues
Rules for working with county council issues
1. Members of the county council, who belong to the Swedish Social Democratic
party, shall form a county council group.
2. Members and deputies of committees or agencies within the country council shall
form a party group.
3. The rules for the county council group are drawn up by the ordinary congress of
the party district. Before drawing up the rules, the executives of the county council
group and the party district shall comment on the proposed rules.
4. The congress of the party district draws up the party programme for county
council policy before the general elections. The programme provides guidelines for
the elected representatives of the party. At the congress of the party district, county
council issues that are of fundamental or economic importance shall also be
discussed. The executive of the party district should continuously discuss county
council policy. In addition to this, county council issues should be dealt with at the
meetings of the party organisation. The county council group shall present a report
on its work during the previous year to the ordinary congress of the party district.
The report is included in the annual report of the party district.