Page 24 - How to run and represent a party

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Certain membership criteria must be set up in the party constitution, such as minimum age.
The membership should be linked to the Branch and be renewed every year.
If possible – and politically safe - it is good to have a national computerized membership
Recruiting members is a main task for any party and members should be trained and
equipped for this task. The party at national level should ensure that there is a coherent
system for recruitment. There should be prepared packs that include application forms,
membership slips, procedural information for recruiters and any other information about
party membership. Key information includes how the party functions and what
membership means in terms of rights and responsibilities. Some parties have oaths for their
members to make - a declaration that they understand and will follow the rules and
regulations of the party.
One BEC member from each Branch should be assigned the task of membership officer.
He or she is responsible for setting up a recruitment team which in turn will be tasked to
work out a strategy. Every Branch must keep a detailed record of their membership so it
can be followed up every year. Membership fees must be deposited into the party’s bank
account. Usually this is the party’s main account but there are many different procedures
for how the total membership fee is allocated to the different levels of the party
The Branch should in all cases still have its own separate bank account for the
Branch’s finances and at least two people in conjunction are needed for signature.
When new members have been recruited, the BEC must take the responsibility to introduce
them and induct them into the Branch’s activities as soon as possible. It is vital that the
BEC listen to their motivations for becoming members, gain clarity on what new members
expect and ask what kind of work new members would like to be involved in. They are
much more likely to remain members if they are positively welcomed and given a
meaningful task. It demonstrates that the party needs them and views them as valuable and